Open Platform ( API )
PFC Open Platform is an open platform based on the PFC (Royal Logistics ) sales business. Provide the our partners and customers products information, order information, shipping charge calculation , parcel tracking information and so on , users can easily integrated into our website or system, to realize the seamless connection of all the information。
How to use
First of all, you need to have a PFC account
Enter into the user center enable the API service, access to get the secret key ( Identifier )
Ask your IT staff to make the connection according to the API data interface documentation.。
API Functions :
1.Acquire the information of destination countries [Test]
2.According to the consignor information to get the available modes of transportation and cost [Test]
3.Obtain the shipped orders' tracking numbers and the package detail information [Test]
4.Create and update the shipping service and fulfillment orders[Test]
5.Fulfillment orders inventory query[Test]
6.-Parcel Tracking check[Test]